We believe that security and privacy are rights, not secrets.

Want to take control of your privacy and security? At phyxated, we believe that everyone can be trained to identify and stop threats in their own lives and businesses, regardless of their technical ability, age, financial situation or type of business.

We have spent years building, mastering, and implementing security frameworks used in some of the most secure environments in the world in almost every vertical of business and government. Then we asked ourselves the question, “Why can’t we apply a security framework to the individual, a family, or a small business?” We found the answer is: We ABSOLUTELY can!

We use this expertise to develop an understandable, valuable, and current personal security framework that you can implement into your daily life and business!

1 in 5 people will be affected by identity theft, bank fraud or credit card fraud. We will teach you to identify the risk of an attack even if you haven’t seen that risk before.

Protect yourself, your family and your business.

We have busy lives and businesses, so how do we keep up with emerging threats and vulnerabilities to our personal and business information without being overwhelmed with scare tactics, or simply throwing our hands up waiting for an attack to occur?

Vigilance is key, but if you don’t know what to look for, you can’t address the problem. You need to arm yourself and your business with the knowledge to identify vulnerabilities in your every day actions, the technology you use like your cellphone or computer, and how you interact socially online or in-person so you can fight back.

Understand your threat space, not someone else’s.

phyxated focuses on providing personal and professional development courses tailored to the needs of our community members and their businesses.

We are security experts that understand what the realistic and likely threats are to you and your business. We transfer our knowledge and teach you our security framework in a way that is understandable by anyone through exercises, instruction and real-world examples. We enable you to identify your own personal “threat space,” without handing you some fluff that consists of unlikely or flashy attacks, and without technobabble that could be confusing or discouraging to the material.

Training for everyone.

We understand that learning happens in a comfortable and welcoming environment. You’ll receive classroom instruction that offers ample time for questions and answers, group discussion and exercises that strengthen your ability to identify threats that apply to you. We strive to provide a non-judgmental environment that is tailored to your learning requirements and technical skill and that can leave people walking away with a sense of being empowered to take control of your own security and privacy.

What do our classes offer?

  • Professional instruction from a certified security expert
  • Classroom reference and curriculum materials in person and online
  • Applicable, current, realistic and understandable real-world examples
  • Mini assessments to gauge your understanding of the threats that could affect you, not lengthy tests
  • Workbook materials you can guide yourself through assessing your personal threat space as it changes over time
  • An understanding of what you should protect and why
  • How to identify a risk to your private information without ever seeing that risk before